Semaglutide for Prediabetes
It should be safe for most people with prediabetes to take Semaglutide.
This is because Semaglutide, the active ingredient in Ozempic and Wegovy, is most commonly used to control blood glucose levels in those with type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Many people that take Semaglutide for weight loss have normal blood glucose levels, therefore, it should be safe for someone with slightly elevated sugars to take this medication.
However, you should also consider any other medications you may be taking.
For example, some people with prediabetes are given medicines such as metformin to help reduce their blood glucose levels.
By combining two medicines that act on blood glucose, you may run the risk of experiencing hypoglycaemia.
The potential of this and other adverse effects means that we would always recommend speaking to your own GP if you have any concerns.
This is especially important if you’ve been told that your blood glucose levels are abnormal.
Saxenda (which contains Liraglutide, a similar medicine to Semaglutide) is actually recommended for use in those with non-diabetic hyperglycaemia, also known as prediabetes.
This is because the way it works as a GLP-1 Receptor Agonist can also help to lower blood glucose levels to within a normal range.
This is beneficial for those with prediabetes as it can help to prevent the onset of more dangerous conditions.
In addition to this, Semaglutide acts as an appetite suppressant which may help people to lose weight.
For a lot of people with prediabetes, this can often be enough to stabilise blood sugar levels.
As Semaglutide works in a similar way to Saxenda, it may also be suitable for those with non-diabetic hyperglycaemia.
If you decide to start a weight loss consultation with myBMI, you will be asked about your blood glucose levels by our healthcare team.
This is so that our specialist prescribers can make an informed decision on the suitability of your treatment.
If you aren’t sure what they are, you can ask your GP for a test.
Some pharmacies also offer diabetes screening tests that can check your glucose levels via blood and/or urine samples.
It’s important to note that Semaglutide is currently only licensed for those with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM).
This means that if you don’t have T2DM, you will be using Semaglutide off-label. This includes those who have been told that they have prediabetes.
This doesn’t mean that the medicine isn’t safe for you. It just means that it’s being used for something other than what’s stated on the product license.
If you have any concerns about prediabetes or Semaglutide, we’d recommend speaking to your doctor.
Alternatively, you could ask your prescriber anything you need to know if you decide to complete a consultation with myBMI.
Patient safety is at the core of our service, so we’d never prescribe something to you that we don’t think is suitable for you.
Not only that, but your prescriber will have the final say over your treatment, so they will always make the safest, most suitable choice before they write a prescription for any medication.